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DNA sequencing is sequencing methods for determining the order of the nucleotide bases - adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine in a molecule of DNA. DNA Sequencing could determined the sequences of individual gene, large genetic region, entire genomes or full chromosomes. DNA sequencing could be used to Evolutionary biology, Molecular biology, Metagenomics, epidemiology, microbiome. DNA sequencing technologies right now is being used to set out to DNA sequencing to make advancements into human biology and to improve medicine.DNA sequencing is also being used to find the order of 3 billion nucleotide in human genome. DNA sequencing is being used in many fields like biotechnology, forensic biology, and biological systematic.


DNA Sequencing Technologies

Some of the major challenges in DNA sequencing is that sequencing technologies produce raw data that needs to be assembled into longer sequencing such as complete genomes. Another challenge that scientist and researchers have to deal with are the repetitive sequences that can prevent the completion of genome assemblies because they occur in many places in the genome. Due to that problem, many sequences are not assigned to particular chromosomes. Another problem scientist are facing is the consuming of data. The data just keeps on piling on as the more DNA they sequence. Scientist also hope to use this next generation of DNA sequencing to help out in identifying crime cases, investigations as in a way that they will be able to identify who the person might be. Scientist have also been able to identify the origins of some species. For example they have figured out that dogs descended from wolves. In the coming years scientist hope to accomplish finding out how a baby develops from a single cell, how genes coordinate the functions of tissues and organs, how disease are able to form and develop, and to have a better understanding of how the human brain functions. By studying the similarities and differences between those of human and other organisms, researchers may be able to discover the functions of certain genes and single out which genes are critical for life. By creating recombinant DNA, scientist hope to accomplish to combine DNA from two different organisms to use the outcome in any possible way. 

What is DNA Sequencing ?

Challenges and Maybe Future Accomplishments

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